CHALLANGE! Accepted and Completed.
(Yes I know challenge is spelled wrong, I want you to say it with a snooty french accent! Like this, chal-ah-nge)
So, while I am making peace with my body type, (it's fat if you're new here) I still want to be fit and healthy. So I have taken to those 30 day challenges that are all over social media.
I have tried to have steady fitness habits in the past, without much success. It seems the key for me is is breaking it up into manageable 30 day chunks, with a cheesy chart telling me exactly what is expected of me each day. It simple and silly, but it works for me.
This is the challenge I completed |
My friends and family encourage me to go to the gym, or to do a "real" workout. They are also encouraging me to do these things to lose weight, which is not the goal here. (It's not that I'm opposed to losing weight, I am just tired of wasting my time and energy on it.) But going to the gym doesn't work for me or my lifestyle. I work a crazy schedule 6 and 7 days a week, non-traditional hours, and have a husband, 2 dogs, and a home to care for. In addition to that I am a writer and I work on making edits to my novel and I am trying to get back into posting here more regularly. I get bored frequently and need to make changes to my routine or I risk stopping all together. A lonely dusty treadmill stands in my living room attesting to that. There is no way a typical gym would work for me.
This is the push-up challenge I will do next |
So what is a busy living-life-to-the-fullest fat girl to do? Thirty day challenges. They are usually easy moves to master, using nothing other than your own body. Things like Squats, crunches, push-ups and planks. And you have a 30 day schedule to follow, telling you haw many to do a day and what days to rest. It takes me about 5 minutes or less at night while I unwind from my day watching TV to complete the daily challenge. Its not easy, for me anyway, and it gets progressively harder as the challenge moves on. I complete my first 30 days tomorrow, its a squat challenge, and I did every single day of it. The hardest day was 175 squats. Y'all, I did 175 squats! I have never done a squat in my life! I am incredibly proud of that!
I think I will do this Crunch challenge after this next 30 days is up |
After this first challenge is done I will move onto the next one, push-ups, *shudder*, and I might even continue with the squats, doing it all over again, in addition tot he push-ups. I think I finally found a system that works for me. If I lose weight so be it, and if not that's okay too, but I know that there will be nothing but benefits to continuing this. I will post here at the end of each 30 days and I hope that maybe I can inspire others to try this! If I can do these, anyone can!
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