Do the Thing

So, I recently posted about finally publishing my book.  YAY!  It was, and is, so exciting, but I also haven’t read the comments.   A family member pointed out some typos etc. that I am going back and correcting, and the formatting on the print edition, doesn’t format QUITE right.  Once I fix all of those, I will do an ad campaign and pray for better sales.

While that is all so exciting, and I tell everyone I can, it’s also terrifying.  While I am not a parent I can liken it to letting a child go out somewhere without you for the first time.  It’s letting a piece of you out into the world, a piece of your heart and soul.  A part that you have protected for so long, is now vulnerable to criticism and ridicule, be also to love and wonder. 

I remember being paralyzed sitting at my computer before pushing the publish button on my KDP (Kindle Direct Publishing) Account.  I was smiling like a crazy woman and my heart was pounding and I was sweating and shivering all at once.  I kept telling my husband “I’m going to do it.  I’m really going to publish this to the world,” Over and over again before I finally did it.  And then I cried like a baby.
All of that was to say, while it was extremely scary, it was also so rewarding and fulfilling.  Now the next time will be easier and easier.  There will be a next one. 

I encourage everyone to do the thing.  Whatever the thing is for you, go to the restaurant, cook the meal, sing the song, write the book, visit the place, hold the spider.  I think you should do them even if it’s scary, especially if it’s scary.  The important things are the ones that frighten us.

I shouldn’t have to say this, but these days it is important to point out that you should only do the things that won’t hurt yourself or others.  Also don’t do silly things like quit a terrible job if it means you can’t eat for a while.  Do quit the job, just be smart about it. 

I’m glad that I pushed publish.  Tell me about scary things you are glad you did in the comments!


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