30 Day Writing Challenge: Day 4

Day 4: Write about someone who inspires you.

This one is though for me.  There are so many people, both real and fictional, who inspire me.  There are inspirational people everywhere.

For this challenge I choose to writ about Anne of Green Gables. If you haven't read the ORIGINAL 3 books, you really should, also, spoilers.

For a fictional character, she kicked some pretty major ass.  She was orphaned.  Got sent to an old couple expecting a boy.  Almost got "returned" like an object.  She held up her chin and with stubbornness and determination she proved her worth and got them to keep her, and eventually love her.

She attended school where she was bullied by a fellow classmate, granted he eventually became her husband, but that's not the point.  She was always told her place by the teacher, who wouldn't even spell her name right.  She stood up for herself at every turn, regardless of the obstacle she faced.

She faced adversity as an adult as well.  there was loss, when Michael died, and when her baby passed.  She was resilient and strong and has surely shaped my life and the way I live my life.  To see (read) a girl, stand up for herself and become a strong woman despite everything society threw at her, especially as a young impressionable girl, really made a strong impression on me.

I have my demons, don't we all, but I strive every day to be more like Anne!  (With an E)


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